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spirlctl cli utility

spirlctl (pronounced like spai·ruhl cuddle) is a command line utility (CLI) to interact and manage SPIRL cloud and SPIRL components installed in the customer’s environment. It comes with built-in help:

$ spirlctl help

An administrative tool for managing your SPIRL deployment and
its configuration.

spirlctl [command]

Available Commands:
ci-cd Commands for working with ci-cd
cluster Commands for working with clusters
federation Commands for working with SPIFFE federation
help Help about any command
iam Commands for managing SPIRL identities and access.
login Log in to SPIRL
logout Logout from SPIRL
node-group Commands for working with node groups
trust-domain Commands for working with trust domains
whoami Show your identity in SPIRL

--config-file string Location of the configuration file, relative to the $HOME directory (default ".spirl/config.json")
--endpoint string Host name and port for SPIRL (default "")
--endpoint-tls Use TLS for connections to the endpoint (default true)
-h, --help help for spirlctl
-v, --version version for spirlctl

Use "spirlctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.