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Commands for managing organization users

spirlctl provides commands to manage organization users. Users are added to the organization through invitations.

Invite users to your organization

You can create an invitation to your organization for a user using the invitation subcommand. The invitation code can be used to login to SPIRL Cloud.

If your organization is using Enterprise SSO then only users authenticated through that SSO can accept the invitation.

spirlctl iam user invitation create --email EMAIL --role-name ROLE_NAME [--ttl TTL]

You can optionally set the desired role for the invitation using the --role-name flag. The default role is admin.

You can optionally set the expiration time for the invitation using the --ttl flag. The default expiration is 24 hours.

spirlctl iam user invitation create --email <> --role-name admin

User invitation created successfully
ID: ui-3guh8ov03q
Role ID: admin
Code: 4lu3ui63y8
Expires At: 2023-03-23 21:37:26

You can share the invitation code with the user. To accept the invitation, the user uses the invitation code to login to SPIRL Cloud. See Login to SPIRL Cloud for more information.

Available roles are Owner, Admin, Operator and Auditor. Only the Owner can create invitations to the organization.

List user invitations

You can list all of the invitations to your organization using the list subcommand.

spirlctl iam user invitation list

Delete user invitation

You can delete an invitation to your organization using the delete subcommand.

spirlctl iam user invitation delete INVITATION_ID

To find the INVITATION_ID use the spirlctl iam user invitation list subcommand.

Renew user invitation

The invitation code has a default expiration time of 24 hours. You can renew the invitation using the renew subcommand. You can set the expiration time for the invitation using the --ttl flag.

spirlctl iam user invitation renew INVITATION_ID --ttl TTL